Green Belt Self Defence #1 Instructional Video For Red Dragon Taekwondo

Red Dragon Taekwondo | Martial Arts Training Specialising in Kids, Teens and Families...

Our second Self Defence against Hair Grabs, techniques include: Covering Face, Trapping attackers hand on head, Poke Index Finger to attacker's Throat ending...
Green Belt Self Defence Video 3, Features include: Single Hand Choke Defence, Grab inside attacker's thumb, release pressure of throat and strike with elbow,...
Green Belt Self Defence Video 4: Double hand Choke Defence, Raised Arm to twist against Attacker's Fingers followed by Elbow to Face

Green Belt Self Defence option - Choose this Self Defence if you find any of the above difficult, you must show 4 defences to grade.

Green Belt Self Defence Option 2 - Choose this defence if you struggle with any of the above 4. Defence against Single Choke.